Hollywood By admin October 20, 2022

Strange and Wild Things Mechanics Found While Fixing People’s Cars

After this, she wasn’t all smiling.

After this, she wasn’t all smiling.

This accident looks bad: a thin but strong tree branch cut through the car’s hood and windshield. Luckily for everyone in the car, no one was hurt. They might have been saved by a miracle, but the same can’t be said for the car. Still, the fact that the window didn’t break is almost a miracle. We are surprised by how strong the glass is, and we do expect windshields to break in situations like this. We think that’s just the Audi guarantee of quality! We don’t know how on earth that could happen. Did the car come from above? If he had been a little to the right, the story would have been very different. Life is full of surprises, so enjoy it to the fullest!

When the mechanic is close to the coast

When the mechanic is close to the coast

A turtle made it all the way to the store. The person says the child just got out from under a broken elevator. We don’t think the turtle has the right credentials to run a lift. From the dirt, it looks like he was stuck there for a long time. Poor kid! He couldn’t get out of there quick enough. Now, all this small animal needs is a good wash to get rid of all that dirt and oil. We think that turtle might be the cutest we’ve ever seen. Look at that baby face and those big eyes! Small toes and a shell! We hope they gave it to an animal shelter because it doesn’t look real.

What came next will surprise you.

What came next will surprise you.

This person asked the mechanic to let him know when they were going to pull the truck in for service so he could get his raccoon back. Once he got the animal out of the car, he and his friend waited for his truck to be fixed in the lobby. How sweet! Even though you might not think so, raccoons make great pets. Just put trash cans where they can’t see them or they will get into everything. This person and raccoon look like they are very close to each other. The little thing is hugging him right now!

Something Other Than a Rabbit Hole

Something Other Than a Rabbit Hole

This little rabbit was just saved by someone. To get him out, they had to take off the front of the car, but he is now free to move and is also still alive and doing fine. We don’t know how this could have happened, but we’re glad the right steps were taken quickly to save this cute animal. We just want to thank them for helping the poor bunny get out from under their car. Not every hero has a cape. A rabbit can ride in a car without too much trouble, but it will take some work to keep them happy and cool. A pet travel bag might be able to help.

When a demon is in the back seat

When a demon is in the back seat

This doll that looks like a demon is creepy. Slowly move away and close the doors. They could either call a priest or burn the whole car. We sometimes wonder what these customers are doing! They should have given the poor mechanic a warning. It looks like they plan to do these things. The creepy favour should be returned by the victim (the mechanic) hiding something strange in the glove box. At least these people cleaned up their car (except for the doll). Look at how clean those floorboards are, there’s not even a crumb on them!

The safety of the children is their top priority.

The safety of the children is their top priority.

A lot more humor has been found in this than is appropriate. No one else would drive with a bumper sticker reading “Honk if a kid falls out” The whole text of the sticker would read as follows: “We may stop depending on how we feel and how the kid acts!” Yet, we can’t help but wonder if the honking automobile behind them makes the parent behind the wheel uneasy. In addition to being restless and constantly misbehaving, children are another negative trait. This bumper sticker is a fantastic precautionary measure.

A thousand and one ways to use duct tape

A thousand and one ways to use duct tape

The customer told us that her husband put a patch on the tire, but it keeps leaking air. We know why: he “fixed” the tire with duct tape. You can’t fix everything with duct tape. Some might say that if it can fix a spaceship, it can fix a tire, too. The husband’s motto is, “All you need is duct tape.” Did he also fix her brake lines? We hope not. Taking care of a car should also be taught in driving school before getting a license and passing the test. Don’t try this at home.

Where Does a Four-Leaf Clover Grow Best?

Where Does a Four-Leaf Clover Grow Best?

What is it? Oh, it’s just a four-leaf clover that has grown roots in a fender line. What a strange place for a plant to grow, don’t you think? Even though this is a happy surprise, it also means that the car can’t be driven anymore because the lucky clover might fall off. And a four-leaf clover that grew on a car and then fell off seems like a bad sign. It’s good to appreciate the little things in life, which is exactly what this mechanic did when they took this picture.

Think of us as impressed

Think of us as impressed

This person has been coming to the shop for 200k Miles and said he would get to 1 million. He had been waiting for that day for years, and when it finally came, he rolled up out of nowhere (maybe to show off how many miles he had driven) to get his tire fixed at the mechanics. If you ask us, seeing those numbers on the dashboard is the most satisfying thing we can think of. Not only that, but this is pretty amazing. Not only luck but also good planning and care are needed to reach this point.

When the mechanic shows how little you know about cars

When the mechanic shows how little you know about cars

Someone seems to have had a lot of fun filling out this order after a customer who didn’t know much about cars used some funny words to describe what was wrong with their car. The mechanic wrote things like “Steering is “herky-jerky” and “Tested unit and confirmed herky-jerky steering” on the bill. At one point, “honky wonky” is used to describe something else. We really like how this mechanic talked to the customer on their level. The tech has to do stand-ups. There’s a way to make a living writing funny things. All of this paperwork made us laugh. Customer service is, without a doubt, everything.

Can you figure out why they gave this cat a name?

Can you figure out why they gave this cat a name?

Handsome kitty! A customer came in and said that a kitten was stuck in the dashboard. When one of the mechanics saw how cute the kitten was, he decided to take it in. Applause for the person who is saving cats! This is a big moment in both of their lives. The mechanic gave his new pet the name Dash, which makes sense. We can’t stop thinking about how the cat got there! We hope that Dash finds a great forever home and never gets stuck in a car again (unless it’s ours).

There has never been a more detailed description.

There has never been a more detailed description.

Best description ever! This person told their mechanic that their back brakes sounded like “Dory from Finding Nemo talking to the whale.” We’re sure that they understood what was said. On the other hand, if we imagine that the mechanic didn’t get the Disney reference, that might make things even funnier. How would the client act? Talk like Dory the whale to prove it? When customers leave notes, they like it when they are clear. We can only hope that this mechanic liked Disney movies.

A Recipe For Disaster

A Recipe For Disaster

Some people are crazy, and we’ll never be able to understand how they think or how they deal with life. Here, the customer refused to have all four tires changed on a rainy day, and she also had to sign a waiver before she could get her car back for safety reasons. We don’t know what could have made her do this. She is putting her own life and the lives of other people in danger. Not all surprises that mechanics get are fun. If your tires start to look like a mirror, it’s time to get new ones. In some European countries, they even need a certificate for the official yearly technical inspection of the car.